A L I N A B U G A Sculptor, Intermedia artist
Lives and works in Regensburg DE and Bucharest RO.
Born 1971, Vrancea County – RO
Studio: Friedenstrasse 12 b, D – 93053 Regensburg
& ING. Elie Radu 1, District 5, CP 050031, Bucharest, Romania
Mobil: 0151-71206377, E-mail: alina.buga1@gmail.com
Web: www.alinabuga.com
2002. MA from FVPCI Department – Academy of Arts, Bucharest. Professors Josif Kiraly, Radu Igaszag, Marius Nedelcu and Roxana Trestioreanu
1997. MA from Sculpture Department – Academy of Arts, Bucharest. Professors Mircea Spataru and Darie Dup
2020. Guest Professor online courses – FVPCI Department, National University of Arts, Bucharest RO
2017. Artist Talk – FVPCI Department, National University of Arts, Bucharest RO
2013 – present. Member of BBK – Berufsverband Bildende Künstler Niederbayern/Oberpfalz DE
2009 – present. Project coordinator and co-founder of Alert Studio, NGO Artists Association connected with ALERT studio, the artist-run space based in Bucharest RO
1999 – 2001. Member of Rostopasca Group. RO
1998 – present. Member of UAP – The Professional Artists Union of Romania. Sculpture Department, Bucharest RO
1995 -1997. Co-founder and project coordinator of Urma Group – the interdisciplinary group of students from Academy of Arts and The Architecture Institute UAUIM, Bucharest RO
WORKSHOPS (Visiting Professor Program)
2017. FLAX Open Academy. Akademie der Künste Berlin DE
2001. Performance –Techniques with Artist Ulay at FVPCI Department – Arts Academy, Bucharest
2000. Management of Innovative Organizations. Art Cultural Foundation TOACA, Bucharest & Moving Academy for Performing Arts aka MAPA Organization, Amsterdam. Professor Ide van Heiningen and Nona Ciobanu
2000. Rhythm, Voice and Movement _MAPA STUDIO. Professor Ide van Heiningen at TOACA studio, Bucharest
1998 – 2000. Fashion Photography. Professor Petre Buzoianu at FVPCI – Arts Academy, Bucharest
1999. About Structure. Film Technique. Professor Serban Comanescu at FVPCI – Arts Academy, Bucharest
Alert studio, the artist-run space, Bucharest RO.
2011. “ROSTOPASCA…pre limba ei”, by Erwin Kessler, edit NOI Media Print, 1st edition of artAcum. ISBN 978-973-1805-88-7
2024. Preisträgerin des Kunstwettbewerbs “Dream on. A circular society”, Regensburg DE
2013 – 2015. Art in residence >> OSWALD ZITZELSBERGER Foundation<< AndreasStadel, Regensburg DE
1999. National Prize – young sculptors of the year of 1999
1998. Group of Honour – special prize for ROSTOPASCA group activities by ArtExpo Foundation, Bucharest RO
01.03 – 27.04. Hier und Jetzt, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg
13.03. Künstlerinnengespräch begleitet von Dr. Mona Stocker, Alina Buga – Chaos / warum? – Pipelines und andere Querverbindungen, Kunstforum Ostdeutsche Galerie Regensburg
2015. * GEBRANNTE ERDE • BRENNENDES LAND Duo show with Bernhard Maria Fuchs. KuPa Galerie, Adlmanstein/ Regensburg DE
2012. ZIDUL. Sculpture installation -Triade Gallery Timisoara, RO
2011. NO Name(s), group analysis. Ready made objects, installation and video performance. ALERTstudio, Bucharest
2010. IN THE PERFECT LIGHT Performance – duo show with Catalin Burcea. – Atelier 030202. Bucharest
2007. BALOON PEOPLE. Inflated objects, action- Urban ambient events organised by META Cultural Foundation with the special occasion Sibiu – European Cultural Capital 2007, Sibiu RO
2004. DOGGY FASHION. Sculpture installation – H’art Gallery, Bucharest, RO
2002. MUJE LA STATUJE. Text & photo performance – Goethe Institute, Bucharest, RO
2000. ANIMAL FARM | “Rostopasca cultural weeks”. Installation – Drawing, ready-made objects and text. Eforie Gallery, Bucharest, RO
2024. “Post-Normal Digital [Positionen]”, Kunstverein Weiden DE
2024. “Dream on. A circular society”, Nachhaltigkeitswoche der Stadt Regensburg, Kulturenraum M26 DE
2024. Pays sage, FVPCI’s Group exhibition, “Constantin Brâncuși” Cultural Center, Craiova’s Art Museum RO
2022. #perspectiva 31. Bucharest RO
2021. ASPEKTE / BEAUTY. Regensburg DE
2021. Art Safari. Bucharest RO
2020. Let’s build that brain #2020 >< QUESTIONs >< iBUBBLE and guests. Pop-up-Raum Degginger, Regensburg DE
2020. ACRONYM DAYS. Pop-Up-Raum im Degginger, Regensburg
2019. Let’s build that brain! – ibubble-project – Zeitgleich Zeitzeichen. Pop-Up-Raum im Degginger, Regensburg
2018. Munții noștri aur poartă … / Gold tragen unsere Berge … München DE
2018. “Rai din Iad”. MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă – Bucharest RO
2018. 26th Huntenkunst 2018
2018. GROßE OSTBAYERISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG 2018. Leeren Beutel Gallery / Regensburg
2017. GEGENSTAND UN ABSTRAKTION, Ägyptischen Museum München DE
2017. AGUB – video installation H264/ 1920 x 1080/ 23,976 fps/ 3:27/ 2017 with LIFE IS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHILE YOU’RE BUSY MAKING OTHER PLANS – curated by Simona Vilau. ARCUB – Bucharest RO
2016. ALERT STUDIO @ ART SAFARI | Drawings – Bucharest RO
2016. ANDERSWELT. Sculpture, Installation at Sankt Anna_Kapelle, KV Passau DE
2015. SCULPTURES IN THE OPEN. THE NINETIES, SUBJECTIVE TRIALS. (Sculptura in camp deschis. Anii nouazeci – Trasee subiective). Curated by Simona Vilau. Brancoveanu Palaces Cultural Center, RO
2015. GROßE OSTBAYERISCHE KUNSTAUSSTELLUNG 2015. Leeren Beutel Gallery / Regensburg
2014. VIENNA FAIR 2014. 2-5 October, ALERTstudio @ ViennaFair, Austria AT
2014. 40. BAYERISCHER NORDGAUTAG. Skulptur. Cham 2014
2013. THE WALL. Sculpture installation. KunstvereinGRAZ, Regensburg DE
2011. EAST by SOUTH WEST. Photo -performance, Knoll Galerie Wien, see www.curatedby.at
2006. TRAM N 5” 1’. Video in loop – insert Nomad Load – site-specific work, Bucharest RO
2005. FAQ ABOUT STEVE THE GREAT, H’art Gallery, Bucharest RO
2002. ART AND LAW. Multimedia artwork – Mediavision Festival- Amsterdam NL, Bucharest and Arad RO
2001. TOXICOMANIA, VHS 3’ @ Periferic 5 ,The International art Festival organised by Matei Bajenaru –Iasi RO
2001. ECO KILLERS TONIGHT. Photo -performance – East-West Gallery, NYc
2001. ROSTEMPLATION. insert of Context-network project by Alexandru Patatici VHS 5’ – 49th La Biennale Di Venezia
2000. ROSTEMPLATION VHS 3’ insert of TRANSFERATU project by Dan Mihaltianu – IFA Berlin- Bonn- Stockholm- Bucharest
2000. ROSTEMPLATION @ Argos Project 2000, Vevey (CH).
2000. BANANA’S. Rostopasca Performance – Periferic Iasi International Festival RO
2000. ECO KILLERS- Rostopasca feat R.B. – TRANSITIONLAND –curated by Ruxandra Balaci, National Museum of Art, Bucharest RO
1999. ROMANIA VS. DUSMANIA – GORZO & BUGA v.s. MACIUNAS & KLEIN Performance – Chisinau, Republic of Moldavia.
1999. FINAL RECONSTRUCTION. Performance/Audiotape – Caminul Artei Gallery, Bucharest RO
1999. TOTALLY BLIND. Performance merged in Bucharest and St. Ana – Annart Festival RO
1999. CONTEMPORARY ROMANIAN SCULPTORS. Chamber of Fine arts -Greece. Athens
1998. SCULPTURE – The international exhibition @ Kunstverein Hürth, Germany
1997. BUKAREST NACH 89 – KUNST IM RUMÄNIEN HEUTE – student’s group exhibition, Ludwig Forum, Aachen, Germany
1996. URMA group exhibition, Architecture Biennial Bucharest, UAUIM – Still Hall
Works in private/public collection
Musem of Contemporary Art – Bucharest. Private- Bucharest, Sibiu, Seoul, Vienna, Prague, Paris, NYc, Amsterdam, Regensburg